What does this app do and how this is built

I wanted to build a simple app on the web using Python to scrapethe latest news from a specific news site using various Python libraries.

Every time I reload this page this app will scrape 5 news articleson the top of the page of the live site of El Paris using Beautiful Soup,then the scraped data will be filtered, cleaned and displayedin the list below on this site using Flask and deployed using heroku.

Please visit my Portfolio site or my github for the code of this app.

Latest 5 top news from El Paris

Those who will leave Venezuela if Chavismo wins the election: ‘I’ll start selling my things’
Difficult to manipulate, yet fraught with electoral trickery: How Venezuela’s voting system functions
Netherlands: The children of a country held hostage by drug trafficking
The X-Men, cursed heroes for an increasingly polarized world
Rock concerts: The greatest collective celebration of our time